The GEO-Instruments team has a strong international presence with offices in the UK, the US and across Europe. Our work often takes us even further afield with jobs in Australia, Mexico, Africa and the Caribbean.

As part of this continuing commitment to working globally GEO-Instruments UK is co-operating with Lloyd Acoustics Polska (the newest member of Keller’s I&M family) on a wireless tilt network to monitor the extension of the Focus Mall shopping centre in Zielona Góra.
The project involves renovation and extension of the existing center by 15000 m2 as well as construction of a multi-storey car park. By the time the project reaches completion in 2020 the complex will have an expanded gallery, a modernised appearance over 300 new parking spaces. The value of the overall investment exceeds 60 million euros.
In early 2019 GEO supplied a system of Biaxial Tiltmeters and a Gateway to LA PL and worked with their engineers to train them on usage, installation and configuration of the sensors and network.
Additionally, LA PL are using GEO’s visualisation software QuickView for managing and presenting monitoring data gathered from the network.
Once on site at Zielona Góra, LA PL undertook further testing of the wireless system during the installation in order to determine the maximum range of the sensors and gateway based on site conditions and layout.
Once installed, the sensors were set up at distances of 70-200m and are relaying readings every 20 minutes. At this frequency, the expected battery life of the sensors will last well beyond the 6 month period required by the project.
In recent months LA PL have installed some additional environmental monitoring equipment around the site in order measure vibration.
GEO-Instruments and Lloyd Acoustics Polska look forward to seeing the successful outcome of the project and working closely together on projects in the future.