The ongoing £90m redevelopment of the Westbury Mayfair Hotel in central London is nearing it’s next phase and GEO-Instruments have completed the last manual monitoring surveys.

Since January 2022, GEO-Instruments have been undertaking regular site surveys to monitor the continuing construction.
The major redevelopment works include the addition of an eighth floor, an extension to the rear of the hotel and a new two-storey basement.
At the outset of the project, Keller’s foundations division worked with main contractor Sir Robert McAlpine on a number of construction elements, including a 32m long secant piled to allow for the basement excavation wall and over 200 mini piles.
Movement of the secant piled wall was monitored throughout by engineers from GEO-Instruments.
The monitoring scheme involved frequent manual Inclinometer surveys of 4 boreholes installed alongside the newly constructed basements as well as 3D surveys of the capping beam and nearby roadway over a Thames Water asset.
These surveys continued as the redevelopment progressed through subsequent phases.
Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine are now nearing completion of the construction phase and currently finalising the steelworks that are due to be completed in November, ready for fitting-out in the next phase of the redevelopment.
Over the project duration, GEO-Instruments have completed 130 surveys of the capping beam and 110 inclinometer surveys.
GEO-Instruments are also supplying visualisation and reporting of all monitoring data to the clients and contractors using our proprietary monitoring software QuickView.
Find out more about our work on large-scale construction monitoring projects.